Payment Methods That We Accept

So, you added your products to your cart. What now?

  • Once you have all the items that you love in your cart, you can continue to the checkout page
  • First you will fill out your contact information (Create an account or log in to your existing account to make it easier for future purchases)
  • If you have a discount code you can also enter it here at the contact information page, under the products that you added to your cart
  • Once you are all done you can continue to the shipping page.
  • Check that all your information is correct and select your preferred shipping method (if multiple shipping methods are available)
  • Next you can continue to the payment page

We offer the following payment methods. Please select the correct one that you prefer or contact us if you are unsure what is right for you.

With PayFast the following payment methods are available
  • Credit & Cheque Cards (Credit and cheque cards issued by Visa and Mastercard)
  • Instant EFT (Instant EFT by PayFast allows online shoppers with access to internet banking to make an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) that gets instantly verified) With Instant EFT you will be required to log into your banking profile form the PayFast dashboard. If you feel uncomfortable to log into your bank on PayFast, please select Manuel EFT or Bank Deposit at checkout, if you want to pay with EFT.
  • Mobicred (Mobicred is an online account that gives buyers access to credit, which they can use to pay you online through PayFast)
  • Masterpass (A free digital wallet from Mastercard that enables online shoppers to quickly and securely check out and make online payments)
  • SnapScan (SnapScan is one of South Africa’s first ‘scan to pay’ contactless payment apps that makes it easy and safe to pay and receive payments online)

With PayFlex the following payment methods are available

  • Pay Now (Pay your complete order now, with any Credit or Cheque Card)
  • Pay Later (4 x instalments over 6 weeks. Interest free with no extra cost. Make your first payment now and the additional 3 payments in 2 week intervals from now. We will send your order after your first payment. Any Credit or Cheque Cards accepted)

If you do not have a Credit or Cheque Card, or you prefer an Old Fashion Manual EFT or Cash Deposit then you need to select this payment method. Once you complete your order, you can make the payment to the following bank account..

Our banking details:
FNB Cheque account
Account name: CharmSA (Pty) Ltd
Account number: 6271 0760 556
Branch code: 250655